Monday, November 7, 2011

Return of SA2 exam papers

Dear parents,

I have returned the following SA2 exam papers to the children today to bring home:

- English Paper 2
- English Listening Comprehension
- Maths Paper 2
- Maths Alternative Assessment

Please sign the papers and ask your child to return them to me by tomorrow.

Thank you.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Change of password for LMS

Hi everyone,

The password for our Learning Management System (LMS) has changed to mconline.

You can access the LMS at

The user login ID and school ID remain the same.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Individual Writing and Survey form

Dear everyone,

We did Individual Writing today and the students are supposed to write a letter inviting a friend over for a snack, just like how we wrote in the class story and in the group stories.

Below are some slides to guide you in helping your child to write the letter in the Jotter Book. For some of the students who finished the work in class, they have handed in the book already. The instructions for the individual writing are on Slide 9.

Also, there is a survey we would like your child to fill up with regards to composition writing on the website at Please get your child to log in and fill up the survey form which would be found on the homepage at the left side of the screen under "My Assignments".

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Welcome back!

Hi everyone,

Welcome back to Term 3 of 2011. Hope you had a restful break and are all geared up to study hard for the SA2 exams.

Just a reminder: The swimming programme starts this week on Thursday during EPAL, so please remember to bring all the necessary gear.

Monday, May 30, 2011

June Holidays

Dear all,

Here's wishing everyone a restful and fun-filled June Holidays!

Please take the time to rest, recharge and come back all ready for studying hard for the SA2 exams.

Don't forget to do the holiday homework:
1) One English and one Maths assignment online at
2) Two English grammar worksheets

Have fun and see you in Semester 2.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Return of materials for SA1 revision

Dear all,

I have returned the following materials for you to help your child in his/her revision for the upcoming SA1 exams:

Maths File

  • Unit 1 - Numbers to 1000

  • Unit 2 - Addition and subtraction

  • Test 1

  • Unit 3 - Using models: Addition and subtraction

  • Unit 4- Multiplication and Division

  • Test 2

  • Unit 5 - Multiplication tables 2 and 3

  • Test 3

  • Jurong Bird Park worksheet

  • Alternative Assessment Practice paper

  • Continual Assessment 1

  • Length

  • SA1 Maths practice Paper

  • Test 4

  • Semestral Assessment 1

  • Maths Process Skills Booklet A

English File

  • The Underground Dance

  • Chicken Rice

  • Topical test 1

  • Bad Dreams

  • A butterfly is born

  • Billy Mcbrown

  • Jurong Bird Park worksheet

  • Topical Test 2

  • Is the wise owl wise / Owl babies

  • Topical Test 3

  • Chinese Opera Games

  • Listening Comprehension Practice Paper

  • English Language 2010 Paper 2 Practice Paper

  • Listening Comprehension Booklet A

English Composition File

  • At the beach

  • Birthday party

  • Frog at the pond

  • Helping the cleaner

Maths Workbook 2A Part 1

Maths Workbook 2A Part 2

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Adjustments in spelling

Dear all,

There are some adjustments that need to be made to the Spelling. Please ensure that your child is ready for spelling as follows:

Week 6 (25 April 2011): Words 1-15 from SA1 Spelling List.

Week 7 (3 May 2011): Words 16-30 from SA1 Spelling List.

Week 8: No spelling

Week 9 (16 May 2011): The words from Week 6 in the Term 2 Spelling List.

The SA1 Spelling List was given out yesterday together with the scope for English exam.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Art competition

Dear all, There is a Children's Art Competition organised by Jelutung CC. The details of the competition are found below. Parents are to bring the children to the competition themselves. It is optional. Remember to wear your own clothes tomorrow for Rainbow Day 2!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Learning Journey to Jurong Bird Park

Dear all,

Please remember to bring the following for the learning journey to Jurong Bird Park tomorrow:
  • raincoat/umbrella
  • cap
  • snacks/food
  • small bag
  • camera (optional)
  • pencil case (pencils, erasers, ruler)
  • water bottle
  • storybook
  • plastic bag for those who have motion sickness
  • Wear PE attire
Hope that we all have fun tomorrow!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

March Holidays Online Homework

Dear 2G students,

You have 6 assignments to complete during the 1 week March holidays on our Learning Management System (LMS) at

1. Problem Sums Involving Addition and Subtraction
2. Problem Sums Involving Multiplication and Division

3. Tense 1 (MCQ)
4. Tense 2 (Open-ended)
5. Rate your group mates' readings
6. Questions about the e-book 'The Ugly Duckling'.

Follow the instructions below to complete them.

For Assignments number 1 to 4, log in to Click on 'View my assignments' and click on the respective titles to complete the worksheets. Remember to click submit when you are done with all the questions.

For Assignment number 5:
1. Click on 'Collaboration'.
2. Click on 'Posted Podcasts'.
3. Click on 'List Podcast'.
4. Click on 'Show All' so that you can see everyone's recording.
5. Click on the names of your group mates and listen to their recordings.
6. After listening to each recording, click on 'Home'.
7. Click on 'View my assignments'.
8. Click on 'Let's rate our group mates' reading'. Answer the questions based on the person you listened to. For question 7, you can key in comments about the reading using the list of comments found in the same document as the reading passage below. Just scroll down to the 2nd page.
9. Complete the worksheet and remember to key in the name of the person you are rating in the last question.
10. Click 'Submit'. Repeat the steps to listen to another group mate's reading.

For those who would like to view the passage that was read by your classmates, please view it below:

For Assignment number 6:
1. Go to
2. Listen to the story.
3. Once you have completed listening, log in to
4. Go to ‘View my assignments’. Click on ‘Questions about the e-book 'The Ugly Duckling’.
5. Post your answers to the 6 questions.
6. Click 'Submit'.

Happy March Holidays everyone!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Away from 28 Feb to 8 March 2011

Dear all,

I will be away from Monday, 28 Feb 2o11 to Tuesday, 8 March 2011 as I have to attend a conference overseas. I informed the students of 2G regarding this last Friday. I have already briefed the relief teacher on the lessons to be carried out in my absence.

I hope everyone takes care and hope to see you upon my return.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Life cycle of insects

Dear all,

The homework for this weekend would be to complete the Maths workbook until page 83 and write a story on the life cycle of an insect.

Please refer to the slides below for more information on how to write it.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Chinese New Year celebrations

Dear all,

My apologies for the delayed uploading of the photos of the children all dressed up for Chinese New Year celebrations. Enjoy looking at them!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Rainbow Day 1

Hi all,

Remember to dress in home clothes for Rainbow Day 1 cum Total Defence Day tomorrow.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Homework on 28/1/2011

Dear all,

1) Please ensure that the Maths workbook is completed until page 50.

2) Write a story on 'My favourite local dish' in your jotter books. Write on the right-hand side of the book and leave a line. Remember to write the day, date and title. Draw how your dish would look like. Please refer to the slideshow below for more information on how to write it.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Homework on 24/1/11

Hi everyone,

Please complete until page 38 in the Maths workbook and hand in tomorrow. Thank you.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Homework on 14 Jan 2011

Dear all,

We wrote a composition together in class today on the topic of 'At the beach'. Students started writing their own stories in class but have not finished it yet. That composition writing is the homework for today.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Collection of books

Dear all,

This announcement is regarding the collection of books/files from the students, in addition to the list in the letter I gave out yesterday.

Most of the students bought 2 red files and 1 blue file. I collected 1 red file and 1 blue file. However, I realised that I should also have collected the other red file because it will be used for English Composition. Please pass the 2nd red file to your child to hand over to me, if he/she hasn't done so yet.

I collected one thick lined exercise book for Maths and one thin lined exercise book for Spelling, a Jotter Book and a foolscap pad. I will be collecting one more thin lined exercise book for English. As such, please pass a thin lined exercise book to bring to school.

Thank you.

Spelling List Term 1

Hi all,

I will be giving out the Spelling List by this week. I have decided to upload the Spelling List for easy retrieval by everyone.