Friday, January 28, 2011

Homework on 28/1/2011

Dear all,

1) Please ensure that the Maths workbook is completed until page 50.

2) Write a story on 'My favourite local dish' in your jotter books. Write on the right-hand side of the book and leave a line. Remember to write the day, date and title. Draw how your dish would look like. Please refer to the slideshow below for more information on how to write it.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Homework on 24/1/11

Hi everyone,

Please complete until page 38 in the Maths workbook and hand in tomorrow. Thank you.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Homework on 14 Jan 2011

Dear all,

We wrote a composition together in class today on the topic of 'At the beach'. Students started writing their own stories in class but have not finished it yet. That composition writing is the homework for today.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Collection of books

Dear all,

This announcement is regarding the collection of books/files from the students, in addition to the list in the letter I gave out yesterday.

Most of the students bought 2 red files and 1 blue file. I collected 1 red file and 1 blue file. However, I realised that I should also have collected the other red file because it will be used for English Composition. Please pass the 2nd red file to your child to hand over to me, if he/she hasn't done so yet.

I collected one thick lined exercise book for Maths and one thin lined exercise book for Spelling, a Jotter Book and a foolscap pad. I will be collecting one more thin lined exercise book for English. As such, please pass a thin lined exercise book to bring to school.

Thank you.

Spelling List Term 1

Hi all,

I will be giving out the Spelling List by this week. I have decided to upload the Spelling List for easy retrieval by everyone.